February is my favorite month. I don't know why. Maybe because it's a short month, or because Valentine's day falls in it... or it could be because Josh Groban wrote a song about it (and we all know how much I love HIM). Either way, I'm glad it's finally upon us. I love this time of year, how it's still really cold out, but you know Spring is just around the corner. In Texas, you never know what February will bring. Today it's 28 degrees out, but next week it could be over seventy again. That's the beauty of February. And so it brings me to the reason for my post. It's been a while since I've paid any attention to the ol' blog. Some of it is laziness, but it's mostly because the blog needs a new look, and I just am mad at this one until I can get it changed. Silly, I know. But, when you don't like your blog, it's hard to pay it a visit and update it. Plus, I haven't gotten to get out as much in the last couple of months to play and shoot, as I would have liked. Unfortunately I've been sick. Icky sick. Like, female troubles rolled up in a big pile of muddy hurt SICK. Blissful February, though, is gonna fix all that for me. This coming Friday I get to have a hysterectomy. So, I'm guessing in about a month I'll be good as new, and ready to tackle 2010 in a new way. Until then, though... just hang with me. Here are a few shots from the last couple of months... and hopefully soon we'll have a new and improved looking blog.
Thanks for visiting!!!