So I've been leery of blog posting because I just hated my blog. But, thanks to a totally awesome (yes, I did grow up in the 1980's- thank you very much) gal named "Cinnamon Girl" I have a sweet new blog template that I'm in love with. So for a grand total of less than what I spent on lunch yesterday, I'm back up and running. The weather here in Texas has been pretty lovely for the past week. So much so that I was able to get out and have a very special photo shoot with a very special little girl named Erin. This little dollbaby was going to be a challenge to me. I did a photo shoot with her back in September and got exactly ONE good shot. And, that shot- well, take a look for yourself.

Yep. That's her. Walking AWAY from the camera... holding her Mom's hand, and oh so glad to be done with me.
Shortly after this little session (which, by the way, wasn't a total wash because we got some amazing shots of this little princess' big brother) I recalled a conversation with another photographer whom I love and respect, Mrs.
Amy Karp. In that little chat with Amy, she gave me some good advice. She asked me what I wanted to specialize in. She told me that she thought my work was "Solid" but scattered, and that I needed to choose a specialty.
Well, at the time, I had really just started my photo business, and the only thing I really thought I wanted to specialize in was WEDDINGS. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love love love weddings. But even as I made that decision, something started to happen. It seemed like more often than not, I was shooting families and children. Then, when I would come back to the computer and start my editing process, something magical would happen with those images of the little ones. They would just come to life. After some months of thinking, clicking my shutter over and again, and reading the workshop workbook by the amazing
Skye Hardwick, I realized that child photography is where I need to be.
Don't get me wrong. I have a few weddings booked, and am super excited to be doing them. I'll even continue to do weddings (because I'm just a sucker for all that love and romance- and the gorgeous white dresses), but when someone asks me what my "Specialty" is... the answer will be "Families and Children". And boy does it feel good to have a focus!!
So, back to my story with little Miss Erin. We decided to let little Miss Erin have a photo shoot all for herself. As the days approached, I got more and more excited. I knew that if I could get this little girl to work with me, that my confidence in my specialty would be confirmed. When we arrived, I started to work on Miss Erin. Before long, she was excited, and posing, smiling, twirling and laughing like she'd been modeling from birth. Here are a few of the fun moments we captured that day.

All in all, it was a fantastic session. It left me and little Miss Erin's Mom with smiles on our faces. So, with Spring having SPRUNG here in Texas.... I'm just a little bit excited for many, many more of these happy little faces in my future sessions.
More soon... Mandy