First and foremost, before anything, I am a mom. A mother and a wife, I should add. Beyond that, I am completely and utterly in love with those people I surround myself with- my friends. And I must say, they are bountiful. I am so fortunate in my life to have people who love me- a supreme and amazing unit of girlfriends. Some are closer than others. Some I only see when we go to scrapbooking events. Some are those to giggle with over dinner and cocktails, and there are a select two or three who I know would help me bury the body should the need ever arise. Everyone should have girlfriends. I kind of feel sorry for men. They just don't "get" the girlfriend thing. And let's face it, in so many ways, there are some times when the men just don't compare to those girlfriends. Come on girls, you know what I mean. This last weekend I got to spend an entire Saturday with a group of those said girlfriends.
It was actually National Scrapbooking Day, and I couldn't resist the opportunity to take pictures of them- all day. It was great. Especially when I had the chance to celebrate a milestone with one girlfriend I am just starting to get to know. Her name is Zabrina. She's beautiful, funny, and one of the strongest women I know. This weekend, she celebrated a year of life after her mother suffered a serious accident. While these times are tough, and people remained changed by these events- it's still a celebration of life. When I look at this wonderful woman, and her amazingly strong mother, and am nothing but inspired and honored to know them both.
So today, I just want to share a few of those candid shots of these women I know and love.
This is Paula. She's my best friend. An amazing wife and mother. If I came to her house in the middle of night and told her I'd just murdered someone. She'd simply gasp, hug me and grab the shovel. (okay, so she probably wouldn't
exactly do it in that order. Knowing Paula, she'd freak out first and fuss at me for dragging her into it- but in the end, she'd grab the shovel and help me do the duty.) She's a keeper. Through thick and thin she's been there. I love this girl. She's really more like a sister than a best friend, although she definitely holds the title.

THIS is my lovely Bobbi. I'm making her picture mid-sized instead of large, only because she'd probably shoot me if everyone looking at this blog could see each and every one of the pores she's sure she has (though she's flawless!!). This lady is one I've known for about 5 years (wholy Crap Bobbi!!), and have loved her since Day ONE. We haven't been all that close until lately. But, I've always known I could count on her if I needed to, and I'm pretty sure she knows the same. Plus, I am completely in love with her little grand-daughter (though I protest that she's actually old enough to be a Grandma. She must have had her son while she was still in diapers- and the stork delivered to toddlers). Love you Bobbi.

This is my precious Joni. I just utterly love her. She has an amazing tender heart and a wry sense of humor that you can't help but find charming. She's the mother hen of our group, and would walk over burning coals to help you. Well, as long as she had her comfy shoes on anyway. ;) Just kidding Joni. I couldn't love you any more if I wanted to.
This is the gorgeous Zabrina I mentioned. She is my new friend. Don't mess with her, or I'll have to do something really mean to you.
This is Zabrina with her amazing mother. I just love love love these two. Sorry for all the tears, Zabrina. :)
Girlfriends... the most amazing thing in life next to chocolate.
And, I have to mention- this post doesn't even begin to cover all the girlfriends I love. Hopefully, one day, I'll be able to have a post for all of them. That's going to be a really long blog post.
Now, speaking of girlfriends, I must bid you goodnight. Paula and I are off to do a little mischief.