The first is an amazingly sweet and gorgeous couple I met just a short month ago. They are set to be married in July. Mitzi and Karl-Hans came into my life such a short time ago, but I'm feeling as if we've known each other for ages. They are a sweet couple- truly my kind of people. They even braved the water, even if it was less than an inch deep, to get some killer shots.
Mitzi and Karl-Hans... besides the fact that you have really cool names... I'm SOO honored you chose me to be your photographer. I love you guys!!!
The second session I have to spotlight is a brilliant young girl celebrating her senior year in high school. Her name is Kelsie. I was about 10 minutes into the session when it hit me- this girl looks like a younger, more gorgeous version of Heather Locklear. Without all the Melrose Place drama to avoid, we spent a fun evening jumping from location to location. She was like my own little personal doll, with a suitcase full of clothes and jewelry. It was a photographers dream. Amanda Woodward, watch your back. I hear Hollywood calling Kelsie Kline (doesn't that even SOUND like a superstar name???)
Congrats Kelsie! And thanks for being such an amazing, amazing model. :)