Earlier this year I walked into my 2nd grader's classroom for a class party, as I usually do, with my big ol' mug of a camera strapped around my neck. I usually get the odd glance or two from people thinking "Boy, this gal must be serious about her pictures". But, on this day, when I walked in- I was welcomed with praise from a parent of my sons classmate. She introduced herself to me as a mutual Facebook friend, and told me she'd been following my photography. As the year went on, I really looked forward to the days I'd run into her on campus. She's such a delightful gal, and one I'm glad to call my friend. Jessica is also a photo nut (like the best of us are... hehe). Last week I got the chance to take pictures of her with her two beautiful daughters. Here's a snippet of what we got (okay, so it's more than a snippet- but these girls are adorable... I can't resist sharing).

A little fun editing made her almost look like she's ready for her next Stephen King role...hehe. I love it! (sorry Jess!!)
I can't take full credit for this one. Jessica snapped it while I had to make a pit stop.
All together a really fun session! Love you gals!!
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