A Girl With a Camera
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Monday, April 16, 2012

For the Attel Family, With Love.

I moved to Fort Worth nearly 13 years ago. Knowing no one here other than my husband, I signed up to become a Pampered Chef consultant. What a way to make friends, right? Well, three of the women I became friends with via this brief stint of my life have remained true friends. Monica Attel is one of them. She's one of those friends who is on my mind often, but in my presence not often enough. In the beginning, Monica and I were a part of each others daily lives. She and her husband had a very active role with the Make a Wish Foundation. There were parties thrown, and lots of cooking to be done, which I enjoyed helping her with- and enjoyed attending even more (not sure anyone knows how to throw a party like the Attel's).

When I became pregnant with my second son, Benjamin, she threw me a shower. I'll never forget giving her a hug after the shower and thanking her for throwing it. Her response was, "Well of course! You're "my Amanda"".

Monica and her husband, Ed, had difficulty getting pregnant. I remember being SO elated when she called me from work to tell me they were expecting their son, Shaun. It's hard to believe that was more than six years ago. A few short months after Shaun was born, a second miracle happened. Shaun was to have a little sister, Erin. Monica was, of course, glowing- and one of the most beautiful (and skinny!) pregnant women I've ever known.

As Shaun and Erin grew, it was clear they would become best friends. Shaun was the calm cool one, and Erin was the wild card. Full of spunk, sunshine and laughter, she was a doll and a little hard to take pictures of...lol. In the spring just two years ago, we scheduled a session in the Stockyards just for Erin. It was her "Princess Session". And my dear, was she EVER a little princess. She posed for me, twirled and danced, and even insisted her big brother Shaun be in some of the pictures. At the beginning of the session, I asked her to give my camera a name. I wanted her to identify it as something fun to look at, rather than just a big black box. Out of the blue, she named it "Garcia". Monica giggled, as did I, at her imagination. To this day, we have no clue where that came from. But, she and Garcia got along beautifully. To this date, that session remains one of my very favorite.

On September 26, 2011, what should have been a routine doctors visit brought unbearable news. Erin had a tumor on her brain stem. The location of the tumor made it inoperable, and there were very few other treatment options. In October, I had a family session with the Attel family. At this point, Erin had begun treatment. The steroids had affected her appearance, but not her spirit. She was the same giggly and energetic little girl from the stockyards. She let me hold her hand and posed for me when I asked her to. She even poked fun at her brother. At the very end of the session, I was holding her hand and walking toward the car. We got quite a bit ahead of her mom and dad. Erin asked to see the photos I had taken. So of course, I bent down and showed her. It was then I noticed an opportunity. I handed "Garcia the 2nd" over to Erin and showed her how to work the shutter. From her point of view, she took a photo of her mother and father walking toward us.

Other than the visible effects the steroids had on Erin, you would never know this little girl was sick. That is a day I will forever cherish.

In the months following, Erin's health deteriorated. Yesterday, on April 15, 2012, Erin left us and became an angel in heaven. Now there is no more pain for her. She will always be the sweet, healthy and beautiful little girl we know and love. While there are no words or actions that can begin to comfort those she left behind, I hope that sharing these photos from our two sessions can help us to remember the happy times, even if for only a moment.

Monica, I am so blessed to call you my friend. I cannot thank you enough for letting me be a part of this little girls life. Allowing me to capture these moments of her and your family is a gift I can never repay. I will forever call you friend. One day in the near future we will again get together and smile. We will laugh, and most likely cry, and remember. For now, I think we should just carry on the best way we know how. Love on Shaun like mad. Let Ed be your rock and you be his. But most of all, just love one another.

I would like to share some of the photos from our first session in 2010.

This fall, we captured these moments.

Taken by Erin Attel. My very favorite from the whole lot. :)

On Saturday, May 12, 2012 I will be doing "Lemonade Mini's" in Erin's honor. All proceeds from these sessions will go to the Attel family, to help cover some of the medical expenses they have no doubt incurred over the last months. There will be 12 spots available. Please email me at amanda@mulberrylanestudio.com if you would like to participate in these sessions, or make a donation. 

In loving remembrance of 
Erin Michelle Attel, 
meaning "Peace" and "For Who is like the Lord". 
January 22, 2007- April 15, 2012

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