A Girl With a Camera
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Monday, June 21, 2010

Giddy with the Gaddy's

Earlier this year I walked into my 2nd grader's classroom for a class party, as I usually do, with my big ol' mug of a camera strapped around my neck. I usually get the odd glance or two from people thinking "Boy, this gal must be serious about her pictures". But, on this day, when I walked in- I was welcomed with praise from a parent of my sons classmate. She introduced herself to me as a mutual Facebook friend, and told me she'd been following my photography. As the year went on, I really looked forward to the days I'd run into her on campus. She's such a delightful gal, and one I'm glad to call my friend. Jessica is also a photo nut (like the best of us are... hehe). Last week I got the chance to take pictures of her with her two beautiful daughters. Here's a snippet of what we got (okay, so it's more than a snippet- but these girls are adorable... I can't resist sharing).
A little fun editing made her almost look like she's ready for her next Stephen King role...hehe. I love it! (sorry Jess!!)
I can't take full credit for this one. Jessica snapped it while I had to make a pit stop.

All together a really fun session! Love you gals!!

By the Grace of God

The past few weeks have been like a blur. It's been crazy on the homefront, and even more crazy on the studio side of things. I'm catching up on editing (for the time being), and hopefully can catch up on the ol' blog here. The housework, however, will no doubt be left undone. A happy business means a messy house, right?? Well... in my case it does. Anyway--- moving on...

Last week we were blessed with a little ball of wonderfulness named Grace. She is my friend Bobbi's granddaughter, and my heart just melted when I met her. Here's a little taste of how our session went.
She is such a little dollbaby. Her sister is a cutiepie too. Although she's a little camera shy, I think I'm growing on her...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cute Little Bugger

I am utterly and completely in love with this little boy. His name is Zachary, and he happens to be my best friend Paula's little boy. He's known to be a bit of a handful, but for me, he's always been an angel. This kid says it the way it is. He's hilarious, sweet, cute and just edible. Just before my trip home last month, Paula and I took a little time to get some photos of him before his pre-school graduation. Next year, he's going to be a big kindergartner. Look out world, here comes Bubba.

Good Charlotte

It's been a few weeks since I updated the ol' blog. Today is the last full day of school for my little people. It's so unbelievable to me that they will be 5th and 3rd graders. Kind of bittersweet. We have a huge summer planned, and I can't wait to embark on it. First and foremost, my sweet baby sister is getting married. MARRIED!!! To me, she will always be the tiny little girl in pigtails carrying around her little "Stinky Ernie" stuffed animal. I was truly honored to go back home to Charlotte, NC and take her bridal portraits. Needless to say, it was a joyous day filled with laughter and lots of happy tears. But, since she's not married yet, and the groom will most likely see this blog post, yous guys are just gonna have to wait on seeing those pictures.

I did have another crazy fun session while visiting home. I have to admit (as everyone probably already knows) I LOVE Facebook. I'm a bit addicted to it. I love having that connection to those I went to school with, or worked with in the past- and those that are dear to me now. It was because of that Facebook connection I was able to do this session with the lovely Olivia and her beautiful family. Olivia and I went to Jr. High school together. Truth be told, we really weren't close back then. We only knew each other through mutual friends, and we did have a couple classes together. I always thought she was one of the "cool kids" (which- by the way- I was soooo far from. My teenage years were awkward and nerdy to say the least). She dated the guys I had crushes on, and she wore the coolest concert t's- and had that rockin' 80's hair I could never pull off. Most of the time, she was someone I wished I knew better. When she messaged me about doing a session for her, I was thrilled. We spent about 2 hours at a beautiful park in Fort Mill, South Carolina. She brought her husband and two kids, and we pretty much just had a great time. I could tell this family really loves one another. It only made me really wish I had taken the time to get to know Olivia better. She is such a beautiful soul. Here are just a few of what we got...
This month I am looking forward to an extended trip back home to the Carolinas. There will be more sessions with long lost friends and their new families. I simply cannot wait.